This is the Constitution of Kikis Court Fun Club (KCFC) by KCFC Foundation, a non-religious, non-allied political, non political, and non-tribal community of adults above the age of 18yrs and of sound mind with a passion to be part of the Change Networkers team. It is an indegenous Ghanaian initiative, started from Hohoe in the Volta region of Ghana but with a global outlook.


We the members of KIKIS COURT FUN CLUB (KCFC) (the Social Club wing of KCFC Foundation), headquartered in Hohoe in the Volta Region of Ghana, herein called the KCFC Members, having recognized the need to constitute ourselves into an Association hereinafter referred to as “KCFC”; and in exercise of our fundamental human rights of association and other rights and freedom enshrined in the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana; and in a spirit of friendship and peace with all Ghanaians and in solemn declaration and affirmation of our commitments to the Rule of Law as the pivot and key to the wellbeing and survival of any civilized society or organized grouping of persons such as KCFC; and in solemn pledge and commitment to do, hereby ENACT, UPHOLD, ADOPT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.

Article 1 - Name

The Association shall be known as “KIKIS COURT FAN CLUB” hereinafter referred to as KCFC.

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Membership of the Change Tertiary Network (CTN) is opened to anyone of sound mind, above the age of 18yrs, and in any tertiary institution anywhere in the world

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  • 2 Article 2 – Aims and Objectives

    KCFC shall be committed to:

    1. The organization of regular networking meetings/events aimed at promoting the spirit of solidarity as well as the personal development of members.
    2. Initiate and Engage in Tourism Promotion in the Volta Region and beyond as well as engaging in Community Development activities.
    3. The establishment of a welfare scheme(s) to support members during defined times.
    4. The promotion of Healthy living through regular keep fit activities among members of the club as well as that of the communities in which KCFC is represented.

    1. Membership of KCFC is opened to all adults (per the constitution of the Republic of Ghana), living anywhere on the face of the earth interested in supporting the club and abiding by its rules and regulations.
    2. Every member is under obligation to pay dues and levies as shall be determined by the Executive from time to time. Failure to do so may result in the members removal from the Club.
    3. All newly registered members shall pay a registration fee and three months upfront dues and will serve a six (6) month probation period within which time they will not be entitled to any membership benefit but are required to participate fully in the activities of the club and meet all financial obligations.
    4. The Executive council reserves the right to dismiss a member who does not prove him/herself worthy within the probation period. This the Council shall do through a written letter outlining all the reasons why such a person cannot continue to be a member of the club.
    5. Membership dues and levies paid are not refundable under any circumstance.
    6. Every member is required to belong to a Sector of the Club.

    1. KCFC shall be incorporated under the law of Ghana as KCFC FOUNDATION.
    2. There shall be a BOARD OF DIRECTORS hereinafter referred to as THE BOD which shall be the highest decision-making body of KCFC.
    3. There shall be an EXECUTIVE COUNCIL which shall be responsible to the members with the Board having an oversight responsibility. The Executive Council shall be made of elected and non-elected members.
    4. There shall be SECTOR EXECUTIVES who will be responsible for events and activities within their Sector
    5. The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (NEC), which shall serve as the General Assembly for strategic planning purposes shall be made up of:
      1. all the officers of the EXECUTIVE COUNCIL
      3. Two non-executive members of each sector. These two shall be nominated per meeting.
    6. There shall be general Executive elections by all Sectors every two years.
    7. The non-elected members of the Executive Council shall serve three (3) year renewable terms.
    8. Sectors shall, with the approval of the BOD, be created by the Executive Council as shall be required. No Sector shall have less than twenty(20) members.

    1. The BOD shall meet at least once a year
      1. The Chairman shall chair all BOD meetings
      2. The BOD shall at it’s first meeting after adoption of this Constitution elect among themselves a Vice Chairman to assist the Chairman.
    2. There shall be General Meetings, using the most appropriate means, twice a year.
      1. The Executive Director Shall Chair all General meetings
      2. The Project Director shall preside over meetings in the absence of the Executive Director
      3. The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for taking down minutes of all general meetings and reading same at meetings unless otherwise delegated.
    3. There shall be monthly Sector meetings by all sectors of the Club
      1. The Sector President Shall Chair all meetings
      2. The Vice President shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President
      3. The Organizing Secretary shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President and the Vice-President
      4. The Treasurer shall act as the Secretary in the absence of a Substantive Secretary or Vice Secretary for all Sector meetings
      5. Where the Treasurer has to present accounts to the house and there is neither a secretary nor a vice-Secretary present, a member present at the meeting will be nominated to act as Secretary
    4. The National Executive Committee (NEC), as defined under Article 4.5 above shall meet once a year to plan for the Club.
      1. The Executive Director Shall Chair all NEC meetings 
      2. The Project Director shall preside over meetings in the absence of the Executive Director
      3. The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for taking down minutes of all meetings and reading same at meetings unless otherwise delegated.
    5. All meetings shall be duly summoned by the Chair and due notice shall be given either in writing or publication through its social media platform(s) at least fourteen [14] clear days before the date of the meeting.
    6. Emergency meetings may however be called by the Executive during exigencies.
    7. The quorum for any meeting of KCFC shall be formed by 50% + 1 vote of members in addition to 2 EXECUTIVES.
    8. Every Physical meeting shall be zoomed and members who join via the zoom link will be deemed to be present at the meeting and will therefore be counted as part of the Quorum.

    1. There shall be a statutory Board of Directors (BOD) made up of the CEO of Kikis Court (or his representative), Founder of KCFC (or his representative) and at least one (1) and at most three (3) eminent personalities from each Sector of KCFC.
    2. The BOD shall be responsible for appointing, from the general membership of the club, the non-elected executive members of the Executive Council
    3. The BOD shall have a Secretary with no voting rights
    4. The BOD shall be privy to and approve or decline all decisions taken by the Executive Council.
    5. The quorum for BOD meetings shall be two-third (2/3) of the total membership
    6. The BOD Shall sit at least once (1) a year to deliberate on matters brought before it.
    7. The Secretary to the BOD shall be the Public Relations Director of the club

    1. There Executive Council shall be made of Appointed and Elected Members of KCFC.
    2. The BOD shall appoint from the general membership of the club officers for the following positions:
      1. Executive Director
      2. Executive Secretary
      3. Project Director
      4. Financial Secretary
      5. Public Relations Director
    3. All Sector Presidents are automatic members of the Executive Council 
    4. The Executive Council shall be responsible for developing and implementation of programs and policies which are consistent with objectives of KCFC.
    5. The Executive Council shall take such measures as to ensure the smooth running of KCFC.
    6. The Executive Council shall draw an annual plan for the running of the affairs of the association

    1. All Sector Executives shall be elected in a general election by Members of the Sector
    2. Unless otherwise directed by the Board through the Executive Council, the Sector Executive team shall be made up of the following positions:
      1. President
      2. Vice President
      3. Secretary
      4. Vice Secretary
      5. Treasurer
      6. Financial Secretary
      7. Public Relations Officer
      8. Organizing Secretary
    3. All Sector Presidents are automatic members of the Executive Council 
    4. The Sector Executives shall be responsible for the implementation of programs and policies within their Sector as shall be approved by the Executive Council.
    5. The Sector Executives shall take such measures as to ensure the smooth running of their Sector and by extension, KCFC.
    6. The Sector Executives shall draw an annual plan to be approved by the Executive Council for the running of the Sector.
    Once a Sector is formed, they shall have at least the following executive positions:
    1. President
    2. Organizing Secretary
    3. Treasurer

  • Welfare Committee – General Membership:

    This shall comprise the Public Relations Director as its Chairman and four other members to be appointed by the Executive Council / Sector Executive

    1. The Welfare Committee shall put together a Welfare Fund Document that will establish an independent fund to manage the welfare needs of Members.
    2. Shall be responsible for designing and managing Club-Membership benefits
    3. Shall perform activities as may be prescribed by a resolution of the Executive Council or General Assembly meetings towards the welfare of members such as recreational activities etc which are not inconsistent with this Constitution.


    Finance Committee:

    1. The Executive Council / Sector Executive shall, at the beginning of each financial year, appoint a three (3) member in-house Finance Committee to ensure checks and balances of the Financial Secretary (FS).  This committee shall hold meetings with the FS quarterly to ensure the financial records conform to standards and international practices.
    2. The financial committee shall report to the Executive Council / Sector Executives at the end of every meeting.


    Sponsorship Committee:

    This shall comprise the Organizing Secretary and three (3) others appointed by the Executive Council / Sector Executive and shall be responsible for the external mobilization of funds to support the Club / Sector’s programs and activities

    1. Generation of fund-raising ideas both externally and internally
    2. Writing and distribution of sponsorship documents in partnership with the Project Director / Organizing team.

    1. The National Executive Committee (NEC) shall determine the dues and levies to be paid by Members as it considers appropriate. Same with putting in place punitive measures to guide the Club.
    2. The Executive Council shall receive a finance report from the finance committee quarterly regarding how records are maintained and in conformity of standard practice. 
    3. The accounts of KCFC shall be audited by qualified and reputable auditors and shall be submitted together with the auditor’s report to The Board for consideration and approval.
    4. The financial year of KCFC shall be twelve calendar months beginning from the first day of May each year.
    5. The Executive Council shall have the power to set up special funds for specific projects and determine the conditions for withdrawal from the said funds. The Board shall be duly notified if this need arises
    6. KCFC shall open and operate banking accounts with such banks as the Executive Council may determine with approval from the Board.
    7. The signatories to a bank account of KCFC shall be the Executive Director, Financial Secretary and Board Chairman. Any two of whom shall be sufficient mandate for any transaction. In all instances however, the Board Chairman is to be in the know.
    8. Membership dues shall be contributed (subject to approval by EC) and accounted for by the Financial Secretary for the running of the Club to be used as and when needed.

    1. The Executive Council shall appoint an Electoral Officer within one year of the promulgation of this Constitution and shall duly notify The Board of the appointment.
    2. The Electoral Officer shall:
      1. Be a member in good standing
      2. Serve for a term of four (4) years and may be reappointed for further terms
      3. Be responsible for the conduct of all elections
      4. Notify the KCFC of the opening of nominations
    3. Be the source of communication on all matters relating to elections of KCFC Executives
    4. The Electoral Officer is required to co-opt two (2) members in good standing to assist in his duties.
    5. The co-opted members must be dully introduced to KCFC through the Executive Council

  • There shall be benefits for being a member of KCFC as enlisted below:

    1. When getting married, a member would be entitled to a standardized benefit package as would be determined by the Welfare Committee, with the approval of the Executive Committee and duly communicated to the general membership of the Club
    2. If both celebrants of the marriage are members, they would receive individual benefit packages
    3. When bereaved, a member shall be entitled to a wreath and a standardized package as would be determined by the Welfare Committee with the approval of the Executive Council and duly communicated to the general membership
    4. Benefits for bereavement shall be limited to only the immediate nuclear family defined here as biological father and mother, spouse, or child with limit set to two children. In the case of an orphan, one Guardian.
    5. During illness and times of destress, the Welfare Committee shall visit the member and advise the Executive Council on the most appropriate line of action to take.
    6. Numerous networking opportunities as KCFC membership is from various backgrounds and jurisdictions
    7. There shall be immense health benefits because of the regular KEEP-Fit Activities 
    9. Members who opt to join the KCFC Welfare Fund would reap the added benefits of being a member of the Fund.

    1. Sector Executive members shall hold office for a term of two years and may be re-elected
    2. Election of Sector Executive members shall be held between March & April and elected Members sworn in during the election year’s homecoming dinner.
    3. Only members of KCFC in good standing shall be entitled to be nominated, vote, nominate, or support the nomination of candidates.
    4. In an event where a Sector is not able to conduct elections for one reason or the other, the appointed members of the Executive Council shall assume the executive responsibilities until such time that the Electoral Officer is able to conduct the elections.

  • A candidate for appointment/election to any position on the Executive Council or Sector Executive shall:

    1. Be a member for at least a year
    2. Must have paid all dues and participated in at least five (5) events/activities of the KCFC within the year immediate to the elections
    3. Must have high moral standard and proven integrity
    4. In the area of Financial Secretary, Treasurer and financial committee, the candidates must have an accounting background.
    5. In the area of Sponsorship Committee, the candidate must have a marketing background or must demonstrate he can perform that role.

    1. The nomination of a candidate shall be made by a member and shall be supported by two (2) members in good standing.
    2. Nominations of candidates shall open thirty (30) days before the elections.
    3. Where at the expiration of the time prescribed for nominations, only one candidate stands for an executive position, that candidate shall be presented for a Yes or No vote by the Electoral Officer.
    4. If less that 70% of members voting votes for the candidate referred to in Article 15.3, that position shall be declared vacant by the Electoral Commissioner and new nominations opened within thirty (30) days for new elections to be held for the vacant position not later than sixty (60) after the just ended election

    1. The entire Executive Committee or a member thereof may be removed from office for gross misconduct or dereliction of duty by a vote of no confidence passed by two-thirds of members in good standing, present and voting at a general meeting which has been duly convened specifically to consider such a motion.
    2. The Chairman of the Board shall convene a meeting within (fifty-six) 56 days after prima facie evidence has be determined to consider a motion for a vote of no confidence in the Executive Committee or a member(s) thereof upon receipt of a petition to that effect duly signed by a minimum of twenty- five (25) members in good standing. The petitioners who signed such a petition shall be members from KCFC.
    3. The Board shall, upon receipt of a petition for the removal from office of an executive member(s) or the entire executive from office, serve the affected executive member(s) a copy of the petition for his/their removal for his/their response within (forty-eight) 48 days. 
    4. Notwithstanding anything contained in this constitution, a member of the EC may by notice in writing addressed to the President resign from office.
    5. In the event that the Executive Committee members resign or are removed en bloc, new elections shall be held for new officers within two calendar months.

  • Upon a motion by a member who is in good standing, through a written letter to the Executive Secretary, supported by two-thirds of the general membership of his/her Sector eligible to vote and voting, an article(s) of this Constitution may be reviewed or amended with the participation of all members using the most appropriate means as shall ensure that no member is denied the right to participate in the review process.

    Such a motion must have been duly circulated by the Executive Council together with the article(s) in question at least fourteen (14) clear days prior to its discussion.

    1. The Remuneration of the Executives shall be decided by the Board.
    2. Remuneration of auditors shall be determined by The Board in consultation with the auditing firm.

    1. Notwithstanding anything in this constitution:
      1. There shall be an election/appointment of interim officers for the Executive Council a well as Sectors within thirty (30) days upon the adoption of this constitution 
      2. They shall be taken to have been duly elected for the purpose of this constitution
      3. They shall hold office for not more than one year.
    2. The interim executives must be persons who must be KCFC members in good standing.
    3. Subject to this constitution:
      1. the interim executives shall exercise the functions and powers provided for the EC in the constitution
      2. the interim executives shall in particular; incorporate the association, make every effort to increase membership and open a bank account together with a mobile money account; until the Electoral Commission holds a fresh election within a year.
    4. Where an elected or an electable office is vacant, the appointed members of the Executive Council shall take charge until such time that a substantive election is conducted for the role.
    5. An Interim Electoral Commission (INEC) made up of note more than three (3) members in good standing shall be put in place.
    6. The members of the INEC shall be nominated and voted for using the most appropriate platform.
    7. Subject to this constitution, the INEC shall exercise the functions and powers provided for the Electoral Commission in the constitution.
    8. INEC shall compile a register of voters for election of interim executives and members in good standing who should have paid membership dues (as determined by members of the KCFC WhatsApp Platform at the time of the adoption of this constitution) for one(1) month before the election.
    9. The INEC shall account for all dues collected and hand over same to the interim executive council through the Financial Secretary.
    10. Upon the adoption of this constitution, the interim executives must be informed of the legal consequences of incorporation of the association. 
    11. The Interim Executives upon assumption of office may bring by a resolution, such a provision which would help the Interim Executives achieve their stewardship, provided such a measure is in accord with the constitution.