Hohoe Municipality Benefits From Free Hepatitis B Screening

Kikis Court Fan Club (KCFC), in collaboration with the Hohoe Municipal Health Directorate, embarked on a health walk to create awareness on Hepatitis B in the Hohoe municipality as part of their Annual Homecoming Celebrations.

The team led by the Founder and Executive Director, Mr. Christian Adusu-Donkor on Saturday 29th April, 2023 embarked on a health walk themed "Take Action, Know Your Hepatitis B Status". The group, joined by some members of the community, corporate organizations and health workers in Hohoe walk through some principal streets in Hohoe speaking to the dangers of not knowing ones Hepatitis B status.

The group later conveyed at the St. Francis College of Education (FRANCO) park, where officers from the Health Directorate took turns to provide valuable education on Hepatitis B and its related issues. The health directors advise the public to get tested and to know their Hepatitis B status.

The club paid the screening fee for all those present who expressed interest in knowing their Hepatitis B status.

Kikis Court Fan Club (KCFC) is a member-based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with members located not only in Ghana but abroad. Its membership is opened to all nationals above the age of 18yrs and of sound mind who are willing to network towards bringing about change in our communities. Visit www.kcfcgh.org for more information.